Free Cookery workshops

Above: Limited places due to Covid. Masks to be worn by all participating adults please.
Get in touch now to shape future cookery workshops

Since refurbishing the former Park Street Infants School kitchen in 2016 the Community Centre team has been learning about the need for affordable and healthy meals in the community, and getting to know other local organisations working on the ground.  

During the pandemic lockdown last year, an opportunity arose for the Abergavenny Community Trust to apply to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government for funds to strengthen local partnerships and widen access to nutritious food and cooking skills at a neighbourhood level.  The application was successful, and on top of the activities already underway, we are organising a series of ‘hands-on’ cooking sessions, starting this month with a festive theme for Families. [See above]

The focus of workshops next year is to grow confidence in using cookery skills/methods/techniques common to a lot of different meals – helping to improve nutrition, avoid waste and helping budgets stretch. These free workshops will be aimed widely across the population and will touch on bespoke nutritional needs over a lifetime.  

Please contact us if you’d like more information, and to book your places.

Note: Numbers are strictly limited due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Chef, Elaine Blanchard who leads the ACC food team and workshop facilitation

Ways to CONTACT us:

Community Kitchen on 07564016574 or 07751666481, 07821627038, or, leave a short, clear message on the kitchen landline where your call will be returned – (01873) 856 925 Thanks!

Email:;, or private message us

Marion Pearse

Cooking For Life

Coming together to grow, prepare and share food is second nature to many, and because every person needs it, food-sharing plays a big role in the life of the Abergavenny Community Centre, where simple things in life still matter. 

In a small way we are doing what we can to foster sustainable behaviour: the kitchen team cooks from scratch using produce that’s grown or raised nearby, and puts to good use any excess produce coming our way. Also, the community kitchen, itself, is creating new possibilities for more of us to benefit from the rich source of goodwill and skills present in fellow residents.  The combination of existing skills and a need for basic skills has inspired a series of hands-on cooking activities next year, aimed at keeping skills and knowhow in action through the hands of ordinary people. Could your skills and passion for your craft, help bring our aspirations to life?  

In the meantime while we get ready, if you shop in TESCO there is something that you can do to help our mission to get people cooking again. From October until the end of the year you’ll notice that the Abergavenny Community Centre is one of the three good causes which shoppers can choose to support through the blue tokens scheme.  Why not pop a token in all three and you’ll be helping residents to build more resourceful and compassionate communities into the future.  Thank you.

To find out more and to keep in touch via email, social media platforms, or visit and search for Abergavenny Community Trust.  MORE to follow about our ‘Back to Basics’ cookery sessions in the FOCUS Magazine next month – or come back to the website ‘Things To Do’ page from time to time. Thanks.

Are you the experienced Company Secretary that Abergavenny Community Centre is seeking to support its Board of Trustees?

If you share our values and have excellent administrative skills, please contact us for an informal chat.  

Marion Pearse –

Co-Founder, Abergavenny Community Centre Registered Charity No. 1177133

Dance Week

Monday & Thursday – Jelly Tots*

Tuesday & Wednesday 6+yrs

** Jelly Tots’ on Monday and Thursday ** Please contact Mary on the Email above or by ringing us on the number above for details of the JELLY TOTS sessions at 1pm and 1.50 Places limited.

Summer Of Play

*NEW* TOM FISHER MUSIC WORKSHOPS – Wednesdays during the holidays at Abergavenny Community Centre

‘Pop up musical and singing workshops for children and young people to start Wednesday’s off with some musical fun! There’ll be conga, bongos, and ukulele demonstrations as part of the session, with a range of percussion instruments provided for the children to experience.

The community centre has become known as a place where people of all ages mix – making vital connections and strengthening community ties. 

Over the Summer break, while holiday activities are taking place, we will continue to hold our popular lunches, chair exercise and coffee morning because we know just how important it is to keep bringing people together to socialise.  

Supporting families is another vital part of what goes on at the Centre and following on last year’s successful family outdoor play sessions, the programme in August is branching out to include music, art and dance.  

We are grateful to the Abergavenny Town Council, The Davies Charities, The People’s Postcode Lottery ‘Magic little grant’ for grants recieved, and private donors for boosting the Trust’s funds, enabling the Centre to offer these enrichment opportunities to more local families this Summer

If you would like to get behind us, it’s simple to make an online donation now by going to and typing Abergavenny Community Trust in the search bar.  To get to know more about the community centre and how we work, please visit the fundraising page or Thank you.   

Chair Exercises

Please speak to Mary on 0782 1627 038 if you have any questions or would like to book

New vacancy for charity [closed 24/5/21]

Following enquiries from people interested in a part-time opportunity, trustees have agreed to consider applications from people wishing to work less than the 34 hours advertised.
If you would like to apply for the post on a part-time basis, please let us know when applying how many hours you could work and when you would be available.
For an information pack & application form, please email – NB the closing date for applications is May 24th at 9am.

Abergavenny Community Trust, which runs the Community Centre off Merthyr Road, is investing in the future as it looks forward to the Centre reopening as restrictions are eased throughout May 2021.

Thanks to a grant from the Welsh-based Moondance Foundation, the Centre Manager’s role will be supported, allowing time to prioritise identifying how the Charity can support recovery from the pandemic by listening to community members and by developing co-operative approaches to address needs that are identified.       

Trustees are recruiting a new team member to help with the day-to-day running of the Community Centre initially for twelve months. They are looking for somebody who relates well to a wide range of people, is versatile, can work flexibly and shares their commitment to social justice, equality and inclusion with an enthusiasm for community-led social and environmental action.

Although the Community Centre has remained closed since Christmas, this time has not been wasted. Funding was raised for physical improvements both inside and in the grounds, and for innovative ways of reaching some former users and for outdoor play activities.  A team of garden volunteers has worked throughout the pandemic and there have been some changes in the grounds including hedge planting and the creation of a wildflower meadow on part of the former playgrounds.

A Welsh Government Circular Economy grant of £27k will be invested in more improvements and the Centre is to host a Library of Things funded by Monmouthshire County Council. 

Trustees are also looking to strengthen their governance arrangements in the areas of charity accounting and human resources. They would be very interested in hearing from people, with expertise in these two areas, who would be willing to give some time as co-opted members of the Trust’s Finance Committee which meets six times a year.

Anyone interested in learning more about the vacancy for the Assistant Centre Manager or about volunteering to support the Finance Committee is invited to contact the Secretary to the Trustees at The closing date for applications for the  vacancy is May 24th.

Nature Garden

Photo: Freddy & Poppy are joined by Nikki who is helping to design the area where we want our Nature Garden 

Over six years two faces have become regular features of the community centre garden: Freddy and her rescue dog, Poppy. Freddy’s zest for life would appear to stem from an appreciation of the natural world, growing food and being outdoors, and the vast number of hours she spends tending the garden means that she has been around when visitors drop in.  This watchful presence, over time, is helping the charity to make choices and decisions around how the outdoor spaces change and develop.

Building on last year’s ‘Local Places for Nature’ award from Keep Wales Tidy and Sustainable Drainage Wales – and with a lot of help from friends – we’re slowly transforming the former playgrounds into a greener, more inviting multi-purpose space. This will take time and money, so we are appealing to local artists and craftspeople to work alongside us now to develop ideas together, and create an inspiring place that reflects the interests and skills of local people.  

On the top playground, the focus is on two raised beds that are dedicated ‘NO DIG’ beds and Freddy attends an online training course that’s been kindly donated by Cherry Taylor who teaches the importance of nurturing the ecosystem that is Soil. We have enlisted help from neighbours too, who have taken seedlings home for growing on, following the forced removal of the greenhouse due to damaging winds.  Each year we try to grow a little more produce for sharing and this year you can watch our progress with the No Dig beds, and ask questions.

*We’re pleased to report the greenhouse has been resettled in town and is doing well.  

The next few months are busy ones for the Centre with new activities afoot, planned works unfolding, and as we prepare for a cautious return to welcoming people back. [ Update: We’re opening 17th May ]

March 2021
End April 2021
Early May 2021