National Grid

Fuel Poverty 2023

We received some welcome news to round off 2023 when we learned that an application to the National Grid Community Matters Fund had been successful. What relief, at the end of a long year!

This funding has enabled the Trust to install thermal curtains to seventeen windows throughout the building which will help to keep people warm in the Winter months and the building feeling cooler in the Summer months whilst nsuring better value from the energy we consume, overall.

We can now all look forward to the feeling the difference over the next twenty or so years.

THANK YOU to the Community Matters Fund for valuing the simple contributions which the Community Centre is making towards improving local lives and working towards a connected and resourceful future.

UPDATE: Installation took place between June & July 2024 Update: TAKE A LOOK AT US NOW! Lovely curtains to show off some of the window replacements. (That’s 10 down and 22 replacement windows to go.)

Thank you National Grid. These windows were replaced in October in 2022 so they’ve been waiting a very long time to be seen in all their glory.
That’s a whole lot of fabric!
Wellbeing Room
Coffee Morning (assembly room)
Learning Room
Welcome Room
Welcome Room
Sunday Afternoon Tea