Get in touch now to shape future cookery workshops
Since refurbishing the former Park Street Infants School kitchen in 2016 the Community Centre team has been learning about the need for affordable and healthy meals in the community, and getting to know other local organisations working on the ground.
During the pandemic lockdown last year, an opportunity arose for the Abergavenny Community Trust to apply to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government for funds to strengthen local partnerships and widen access to nutritious food and cooking skills at a neighbourhood level. The application was successful, and on top of the activities already underway, we are organising a series of ‘hands-on’ cooking sessions, starting this month with a festive theme for Families. [See above]
The focus of workshops next year is to grow confidence in using cookery skills/methods/techniques common to a lot of different meals – helping to improve nutrition, avoid waste and helping budgets stretch. These free workshops will be aimed widely across the population and will touch on bespoke nutritional needs over a lifetime.
Please contact us if you’d like more information, and to book your places.
Note: Numbers are strictly limited due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Ways to CONTACT us:
Community Kitchen on 07564016574 or 07751666481, 07821627038, or, leave a short, clear message on the kitchen landline where your call will be returned – (01873) 856 925 Thanks!
Email: aber.hub@gmail.com; maryabercomcen@gmail.com, or private message us https://www.facebook.com/aberfoodnet
Marion Pearse