How to donate

Bringing local people and actions together

Please ‘gift aid’ your donation if you are a UK tax payer as it ensures that the charity receives a further 25p for every pound you gift. Thank you.]

Through their financial support Centre users, donors and sponsors play a valuable role in enabling Abergavenny Community Centre to be a living / breathing presence on the ground. As time goes on we will get better at telling people about the Community Centre – what it does; what it needs; and aspirations held for its future. We acknowledge that our capacity to do it all, all of the time is limited, so the immediate plan is to continue what we know we do well: listen, observe and respond in small, meaningful ways to what we see, hear and what people tell us they need and are willing to support.

With time, we trust that more people will grow confidence in the Centre’s simple, practical approach to working with local people. It’s an approach that is built on the lived /combined experiences of people over decades.

In the meantime our donors can have confidence in the ability of Trustees, officers and staff to act wisely with their financial gifts – along with all other ways of giving which helps the Centre flourish.

How are we funded? The core costs of the community centre are predominantly funded by earned income through room hire, food & refreshments, with local donors contributing approximately ten percent towards overheads in 2020. In 2019 the Abergavenny Town Council committed to diverting £10K of taxpayers money per annum towards the Centre’s work.

We plan to hold an Open Day on Saturday 1st March 2025 where you can find out more.

The Abergavenny Community Trust is looking for expertise to help them to develop and implement a fundraising strategy. If you would like more information please send an email to Lesley Meagher at

The Trust gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Garfield Weston Foundation which has enabled the recruitment of the Activities Co-Ordinator [July 2023]