Following enquiries from people interested in a part-time opportunity, trustees have agreed to consider applications from people wishing to work less than the 34 hours advertised.
If you would like to apply for the post on a part-time basis, please let us know when applying how many hours you could work and when you would be available.
For an information pack & application form, please email – NB the closing date for applications is May 24th at 9am.
Abergavenny Community Trust, which runs the Community Centre off Merthyr Road, is investing in the future as it looks forward to the Centre reopening as restrictions are eased throughout May 2021.
Thanks to a grant from the Welsh-based Moondance Foundation, the Centre Manager’s role will be supported, allowing time to prioritise identifying how the Charity can support recovery from the pandemic by listening to community members and by developing co-operative approaches to address needs that are identified.
Trustees are recruiting a new team member to help with the day-to-day running of the Community Centre initially for twelve months. They are looking for somebody who relates well to a wide range of people, is versatile, can work flexibly and shares their commitment to social justice, equality and inclusion with an enthusiasm for community-led social and environmental action.
Although the Community Centre has remained closed since Christmas, this time has not been wasted. Funding was raised for physical improvements both inside and in the grounds, and for innovative ways of reaching some former users and for outdoor play activities. A team of garden volunteers has worked throughout the pandemic and there have been some changes in the grounds including hedge planting and the creation of a wildflower meadow on part of the former playgrounds.
A Welsh Government Circular Economy grant of £27k will be invested in more improvements and the Centre is to host a Library of Things funded by Monmouthshire County Council.
Trustees are also looking to strengthen their governance arrangements in the areas of charity accounting and human resources. They would be very interested in hearing from people, with expertise in these two areas, who would be willing to give some time as co-opted members of the Trust’s Finance Committee which meets six times a year.
Anyone interested in learning more about the vacancy for the Assistant Centre Manager or about volunteering to support the Finance Committee is invited to contact the Secretary to the Trustees at The closing date for applications for the vacancy is May 24th.