Free Cookery workshops

Above: Limited places due to Covid. Masks to be worn by all participating adults please.
Get in touch now to shape future cookery workshops

Since refurbishing the former Park Street Infants School kitchen in 2016 the Community Centre team has been learning about the need for affordable and healthy meals in the community, and getting to know other local organisations working on the ground.  

During the pandemic lockdown last year, an opportunity arose for the Abergavenny Community Trust to apply to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government for funds to strengthen local partnerships and widen access to nutritious food and cooking skills at a neighbourhood level.  The application was successful, and on top of the activities already underway, we are organising a series of ‘hands-on’ cooking sessions, starting this month with a festive theme for Families. [See above]

The focus of workshops next year is to grow confidence in using cookery skills/methods/techniques common to a lot of different meals – helping to improve nutrition, avoid waste and helping budgets stretch. These free workshops will be aimed widely across the population and will touch on bespoke nutritional needs over a lifetime.  

Please contact us if you’d like more information, and to book your places.

Note: Numbers are strictly limited due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Chef, Elaine Blanchard who leads the ACC food team and workshop facilitation

Ways to CONTACT us:

Community Kitchen on 07564016574 or 07751666481, 07821627038, or, leave a short, clear message on the kitchen landline where your call will be returned – (01873) 856 925 Thanks!

Email:;, or private message us

Marion Pearse

Cooking For Life

Coming together to grow, prepare and share food is second nature to many, and because every person needs it, food-sharing plays a big role in the life of the Abergavenny Community Centre, where simple things in life still matter. 

In a small way we are doing what we can to foster sustainable behaviour: the kitchen team cooks from scratch using produce that’s grown or raised nearby, and puts to good use any excess produce coming our way. Also, the community kitchen, itself, is creating new possibilities for more of us to benefit from the rich source of goodwill and skills present in fellow residents.  The combination of existing skills and a need for basic skills has inspired a series of hands-on cooking activities next year, aimed at keeping skills and knowhow in action through the hands of ordinary people. Could your skills and passion for your craft, help bring our aspirations to life?  

In the meantime while we get ready, if you shop in TESCO there is something that you can do to help our mission to get people cooking again. From October until the end of the year you’ll notice that the Abergavenny Community Centre is one of the three good causes which shoppers can choose to support through the blue tokens scheme.  Why not pop a token in all three and you’ll be helping residents to build more resourceful and compassionate communities into the future.  Thank you.

To find out more and to keep in touch via email, social media platforms, or visit and search for Abergavenny Community Trust.  MORE to follow about our ‘Back to Basics’ cookery sessions in the FOCUS Magazine next month – or come back to the website ‘Things To Do’ page from time to time. Thanks.

Are you the experienced Company Secretary that Abergavenny Community Centre is seeking to support its Board of Trustees?

If you share our values and have excellent administrative skills, please contact us for an informal chat.  

Marion Pearse –

Co-Founder, Abergavenny Community Centre Registered Charity No. 1177133

The Charity & Us

Friday Light Lunch

We hope you enjoy these articles and find they give some insight into the life of the old Infant’s School, since becoming a community centre in 2015.    

It may not surprise you to learn that when the Centre opened there wasn’t a plan of action – just conversation, listening and watching as things fell into place. In just a few years, this approach, made together with other residents, has created a multi-purpose, multi-use place where people can participate and engage in ways that suit them.  As it is, the Centre is a place where it’s possible for people to:- host their own activity, function or event; go to somebody else’s; or take part in something that the charity facilitates eg. lunch, coffee morning or lending a hand.  While venues share  similarities, where, perhaps, we do differ is that the community centre is run and managed by a Charity which is interested in everyday matters, and concerned that every person has what they need to thrive – basic needs – like enough food or shelter; feeling safe; being connected; and having meaningful things to do. 

 For some of us, the Centre has become our ‘third place’ which simply means that it’s not home or work.  

Like all businesses the community centre operates within a business model, and in 2016 we started the two-year long process of becoming a registered charity regulated by the Charity Commission.  The Abergavenny Community Trust [Reg. 1177133] adheres to clear operating principles – reporting, monitoring, scrutiny and financial regulation which are essential when managing a building and resources, held in trust, for the benefit of others.  The Charity is overseen by a voluntary Board of Trustees, a Secretary to the Board and a Treasurer) who discharge their collective duties through the Objects (aims & purpose) of the Charity. There are three part-time, paid staff who cook, clean and manage the building together with a small army of people who undertake diverse roles and duties vital for the Centre to open and remain viable. These gifts of time and skills form the beating heart of the charity and make all the difference on the ground.   

While still in lock-down, unable to meet people in ways that we are accustomed to, our focus has returned to the building and grounds and the task of managing their safe-keeping, until such time that our lives return to something more familiar.  In the meantime we’re decorating again, so if you are in a position to help and don’t mind working alone, you are welcome. Thank you.

For this, and anything else please call 07751666481 or [February 2021]

Nurturing – wildlife, people and places

Dec 2020 Tree planting Day
March 2021

There is increasing interest in understanding the power of good that comes from spending time in the natural world, and here at the community centre the small improvements being made to the old school grounds, has exactly this in mind. The Keep Wales Tidy Local Places for Nature project has helped the charity deliver more of its charitable aims by enabling us to realise our long-held ambition, to create spaces which are mutually beneficial to people and to the planet. The wildflower meadow turf is bedding-in and the110 fruiting shrubs and fruit trees are in the earth, preparing to establish over the next few years. This flurry of activity also spurred our desire to do more to protect existing natural habitats, so we have created more ‘wild corners’ for creatures in need of Winter refuge, especially our local hedgehog population which is in steep decline. The centre relies heavily on goodwill to drive these initiatives, and we are grateful to our gardeners and grafters for investing their time, skills and energy in taking care of all of the small things which go on to make a big contribution to the well-being of people and nature. The recent tree planting [see pic of Romy] has drawn our attention back to a new generation of families and entrepreneurs following behind, guiding, and shaping their own future whilst giving us help when they can.  Will you join them?     

Local giving leaves a powerful legacy, and while the world remains in the grip of a pandemic there are still many ways to get behind the small businesses and charities you value, now for the future. The continued financial support of our community was important to us last year with standing orders, one-off donations, promise auction bids and our Christmas raffle ticket purchases making a big difference to our viability while we have been unable to trade. We are very grateful to many, who, over the years have found innovative ways to help.

If last year’s lengthening shadow leaves you feeling more vulnerable than you expect, help is at hand. To join our ‘digital coffee mornings’ please get in touch and we’ll show you how. There’s nothing to lose.

Meanwhile, the Winter Solstice has passed and before too long, talk will return to the hope of Spring, green shoots and new beginnings for all of us.

The future is local

In 2010 we held an event on the school car park. We set out our stall, and by using interesting ways to capture views, we asked a lot of questions. Your feedback, then, helped enormously to shape and inform the commuity centre vision, and your presence boosted our determination to push on with the plan to hold onto a community building for future generations.
In 2006 we glimpsed at possibilities in the future
Created in 2010 to show how our daily needs are an inseperable part of the bigger local ‘resilience’ picture, if only we could adapt / adopt different daily practices. The Charity has identified simple ways to include more of us in that ‘food chain’ dilemma and is making it practical and achievable for our combined actions to contribute to a thriving local environment and economy.
Created in 2010 – and still the same plan on the ground, today