Room Hire Fees

Abergavenny Community Centre is a multi-purpose venue that has different rooms available for hire & use.

To talk through your bespoke requirements (Mon-Friday between 10am-5pm) please contact us via:- Email: or Mobile: 07751666481

There are different options and every space is suitable for a range of different uses including homeworking, events, workshops, meetings, training, conferences, gatherings, family parties, well-being activities, classes and clubs.

Hourly charges will vary according to different factors, for example, are you running a session for profit or as a good cause; the frequency of use; number of attendees; facilities/resources required; and if we store things for you.

– Please note that bespoke family gatherings and similar events are charged according to the number of attendees, and, what you need from the Centre so it’s helpful if you have a rough plan in mind before contacting us.

ROOM HIRE CHARGES [We work hard to find a fair price for everyone]

Are you looking to offer something for the benefit of the wider community? The Community Centre is a community resource and the charity behind the Centre is pleased to colloaborate with activities that support the fabric of society. Please get in touch to discuss your ideas and possible concessions.

If yours is a ‘one-off’ activity eg. Team meeting, profit-making session / club, or funded by the public /private sector here is the general guide to the hourly charges. (May 2024)

£12 – £22 per hour [Classrooms]

£17 – £28 per hour [Main hall]

£30 – £40 per hour – Main/Small hall combined. This fee assumes larger gatherings of 40-99 people. If you are serving food/ refreshments, and/or require a cloakroom, a one-off charge of £12 is made for use of the Welcome Room.

£12 – £35 per hour to hire the Community Kitchen (The kitchen is a commercial standard kitchen and Hirers must have public liability insurance & food hygiene certificates in place. A Kitchen induction will be carried out by the Supervisor.)

** We may request a deposit for some events or new activities **

Children’s Parties :

Typically £30 – £40 per hour. A three hour party includes set-up and leaving time. Talk to us first because each party is unique and so will be the arrangement with the Centre.

*Due to bouncy castle damage to the floors the Centre is assessing its position*

We ask all our customers to follow some simple steps to avoid creating uneccesary waste and we ask people to follow local practice on recycling. We are pleased to provide cups/glasses upon request. A reasonable charge is made when hiring tableware and items must be rinsed and placed in the dishwasher.

The Welcome Room contains a ‘kitchenette’ that is available for private functions/gatherings. £12 – £20 per hour depending on use and tableware required.

Functions/performances: Your event will be categorised as either small, medium or large. If you are offering refreshments there will be an upfront charge for use of the Kitchenette then, typically, £1.30 – £2.50 per person – according to use of tableware and *dishwasher.

*All cutlery/crockery items are washed mechanically to maintain ACC’s high standards*

Waste Disposal: Basic: £20 Free when you take everything off-site for recycling/disposal at your home. (Arrangements must be made in advance when you secure your booking.)


Table Tennis Hire:  Still £5 per table, per hour of play. Min 1 hour charge. (There are two Tables for hire.)

Catering for meetings /conferences may be possible [minimum 15 people for buffets please]

Hire of white linen tablecloths = £12 per cloth or, hire of our regular tablecloths or white banquetting roll can be discussed.

Please note that the premises is not licensed to sell alcohol

Cancellation fee: We require 14 days notice for large events & buffets, and 24 hours notice for all other room hire activities. A penalty fee (£10 – £50) at discretion of the management.

If you are planning a large function you will be asked to complete a Booking Form and you will receive a copy of the Trust’s Room Hire Terms & Conditions.

Children & Vulnerable adults: If your activity works with children or vunerable adults you will be asked to provide a copy of your Safeguarding policy.

The CAR PARK is for CENTRE USERS ONLY [for the duration of your session please]

There is parking on site for approx 18 cars (NP7 5BY) The entrance is on MERTHYR ROAD – not far from the Somerset Arms Hotel & Keith Price Volvo garage. Please note that the car park is locked when not in Centre use. Please don’t park and head into town/work for the day Do check with us if you need to park for a short while after or before your activity but please don’t be offended if your request is denied; every day / evening is different at Abergavenny Community Centre.

All abilities: Level access at the entrance at Park Street. Accessible toilet with baby changing facilities. (With gratitude to the Garfield Weston Anniversary Fund, 2019.)

The Centre is approximately 25 mins walk from Abergavenny Train Station. 10-12 mins walk from Abergavenny Town Centre.

View of the entrance to the car park on Merthyr Road. (Vehicles continue to left at the private entrance so be sure not to pass us by.) As a result of these vehicles and speeding cars on Merthyr Road, more care must be taken when arriving and leaving. Thank you.
View of main hall/small hall
Drop in space / Co-working -use entrance at Park Street]