Cooking For Life

These sessions have been designed to grow confidence in using basic cookery methods and techniques that are common in many meals. Having the practical knowhow and an understanding of nutrition – at your fingertips – has an enormous bearing on personal health, feelings of well-being, and it plays a role in the restoration of healthier food systems.

[These photos are from the latest round of workshops which was funded by the Monmouthshire Food Partnership.]

Tasting some truly local produce grown nearby on the Blorenge. Thank you Richard!
Understanding food groups and recognising where they are placed on the ‘Eatwell’ Guide.
Learning outdoors: foraging nettles for soup [27 March 2024]

We would like to hear from anyone who might be able to support these workshops in some way: either by making a financial donation towards the continuation of the sessions, or, by suppling (or donating) seasonal produce and goods.

Here at the Community Centre we are collaborators and we long to work alongside any people and organisations that share our vision for rebuilding a viable, local food system. Volunteers are also welcome to apply to assist future sessions. Contact

Silky, nutritious and delicious food – right here on our doorsteps!