Many hands make light work. Being active and giving whatever we can is the tap root of the Abergavenny Community Centre, where goodwill is nurtured and recycled for wider community benefit.
Here’s an example of the capacity being unlocked: In the eleven months from April 2019 up until the 2020 covid pandemic lockdown, volunteers contributed approximately 6,175 hours over and above the 2,500 paid hours of 3 PPT staff which demonstrates how volunteers are the spine of a local movement that’s freeing goodwill for addressing local priorities.
In 2024 ACC’s volunteer hours doubled the Trust’s paid for hours.
As the Trust continues to consolidate, adapt and adjust to ever changing and challenging times, the need for willing hearts and capable hands remains ever-present. Please join your skills, talents and experience to help more local lives to flourish. To talk about opportunites please send an email to Marion at