- Regular Giving (Please Donate!)
- Up The Creek (Recurring Fundraiser)
- Meal & Auction (Past Event)
Local giving is a powerful force
It’s simpler to make a case for local giving when you can see where our money, time & skills are being utilised.
Following the recent Cabinet decision (June 2018) The Abergavenny Community Trust now has a permanent roof over our heads. Through use, and by what people tell us, we are gathering evidence, of need and, through governance and openness we can demonstrate how and where we put our collective resources. As residents, ourselves, we’re committed to showing the difference that our actions make. Will you support us?
During the start-up period we relied on local goodwill:- you gave us your decade-old ‘pledges’, and now, four years on, earned income is providing the finance to keep the roof over our heads.
What’s next ?
Trustees are undertaking necessary improvements to the building/grounds.
Ways to give
Your time
If you’d like to contribute to the life and service of your community, through the objects of the Abergavenny Community Centre, please contact us.
Your skills, gifts / talents
There are always vacancies for people to develop their own initiatives in helping others.
From April 2018, with the Charity registration secure, we commenced a recruitment drive for experienced volunteers to join the Trustee Board. It’s an exciting time to be part of the Team. Do you have the skills that we need?
Donations can be made in the following ways:
Direct giving / Standing Order
- Sort Code: 20-18-17
- Account No: 83675238
- Made out to: Abergavenny Community Trust
- Send to: Abergavenny Community Centre, The Old School, Park Street, Abergavenny, NP7 5YB.
Cash / in kind
All offers of support, however seemingly small, are always appreciated.
Gift Aid (A UK Govt scheme that means 25% more of the money you give to the charity can be claimed back from HMRC for use by the charity). Please enquire at the office for a Gift Aid Form. It’s really simple to do.
Thank you.